
At Gunship Helicopters, safety is always our number one priority. With a thrilling aerial shooting adventure that combines powerful firearms and open-door helicopters, comprehensive safety protocols ensure every participant enjoys their experience with peace of mind. Let’s take a behind-the-scenes look at how our safety measures guarantee an exhilarating yet secure adventure.

Highly Experienced Instructors
Our team comprises highly trained aviation and firearms experts with extensive military and industry backgrounds. Their in-depth knowledge ensures that participants receive professional guidance and support throughout their experience. From initial training to in-flight shooting instructions, our instructors know how to put every participant at ease while providing valuable tips to improve their performance.

Pre-Flight Safety Briefing
Each experience begins with a thorough pre-flight safety briefing. Our instructors explain the fundamentals of firearm handling, the specific weapons used, and the shooting protocols. Newcomers will gain the confidence they need to handle firearms safely, while experienced shooters will appreciate the comprehensive overview that reinforces key safety principles.

Helicopter Communication and Safety
Flying in a helicopter requires its own set of safety protocols. During the briefing, our instructors explain how to communicate effectively with the pilot and crew, handle firearms in-flight, and maintain awareness of the helicopter’s unique dynamics. Every participant is equipped with noise-canceling headphones to clearly hear instructions and maintain communication with the team.

On-Range Guidance
During the shooting session, our instructors provide immediate feedback and guidance. They ensure participants follow all safety protocols and operate firearms correctly. Their presence in the helicopter or on the ground builds a supportive atmosphere where shooters can feel confident.

Post-Flight Debriefing
After the flight, participants are encouraged to debrief with their instructors. This reflection period helps reinforce positive habits and identify areas for improvement, providing valuable insights for future shooting sessions.

Safety Protocols Overview

  • Training and Certification: All staff undergo rigorous training to meet high safety standards.
  • Clear Instructions: Safety instructions are provided in a detailed and accessible manner.
  • Equipment Checks: Firearms and helicopters undergo regular maintenance and inspection to ensure peak performance.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Staff continuously monitor participants for adherence to protocols.

Safety in Every Shot
With these protocols in place, Gunship Helicopters ensures that every participant can safely enjoy the high-adrenaline aerial shooting adventure. Our safety-first approach guarantees a memorable experience that will leave you eager for your next flight.