
Gunship Helicopters is known for offering a unique and exhilarating aerial shooting experience, but our commitment to safety is what truly sets us apart. Every aspect of our operation is meticulously designed to ensure participants can fully enjoy the thrill of their adventure without compromising their well-being.

Highly Experienced Team
Our team comprises professionals with backgrounds in military aviation, logistics, and firearms training. Each instructor brings a wealth of knowledge to the operation, ensuring every participant receives top-quality training and support. They are trained to identify potential risks and implement the necessary protocols to ensure a secure shooting environment.

Comprehensive Safety Briefing
Every flight begins with a comprehensive safety briefing led by our experienced instructors. During this briefing, participants are educated on the safety protocols for handling firearms, communicating with the helicopter pilot, and managing in-flight dynamics. These briefings also cover the equipment used, so participants are fully aware of the operation and performance of the firearms they will be handling.

Helicopter Safety Protocols
Flying in an open-door helicopter requires a clear set of safety guidelines. Our instructors explain the positioning required for effective shooting and how to communicate effectively with the pilot. Each participant is equipped with noise-canceling headphones to receive instructions and maintain clear communication throughout the flight.

Ground-Based Supervision
Back on the ground, our staff provides supervision to ensure participants are handling firearms correctly and adhering to safety protocols. Each instructor remains attentive, offering guidance to help improve shooting accuracy while maintaining a secure environment.

Equipment Maintenance and Inspection
Gunship Helicopters conducts regular maintenance and inspection of all equipment, from firearms to helicopters, ensuring everything is operating at peak performance. This attention to detail minimizes potential risks and ensures participants enjoy a flawless adventure.

Safety First, Every Time
Gunship Helicopters’ commitment to safety is unwavering. By prioritizing comprehensive training, clear communication, and equipment maintenance, we ensure every participant can enjoy a thrilling aerial shooting adventure with confidence. Join us today and experience the adrenaline in a secure environment.